Management Services

In addition to great locations and attractive features, you can count on an R.R. Callahan Co. rental home to stay in excellent condition throughout the full duration of your tenancy.

That’s because we take property upkeep extremely seriously. Owning and managing all of our units, we perform everyday maintenance and full-scale repairs with the same painstaking attention.

If you’re one of our current residents, the R.R. Callahan Co. website gives you the means of alerting us to any sort of maintenance or repair issue. Simply click your way over to the “Maintenance Request” page, where you can provide your contact info and all the details on the situation. Rest assured, we’ll follow up quickly.

When you give us the honor of providing you with a Chicago-area home, we make sure we’re completely fulfilling our obligations to you each and every day. A big part of that commitment is making certain that we’re maintaining your rental to the utmost standard.
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